Thursday, May 20, 2010

Top 3 Pool Results

Poor Casey, not even John Mayer could save him in the face of Lee Dewyze's gospel choir and fog machine. TeKay, Shmuel and Weet correctly predicted that Casey would get third place, giving them all a collective surge forward in the rankings. Carly is still holding her lead, but expect big things next week for Jeremy, who was the only person in the pool to  correctly predict the final two and in fact, the only person who knew that Lee was going to make it this far.

Also, would you look at the Hive Mind? Seriously, that's just creepy.

Carly    97
Hive Mind    96
Gila    94
Mopie    93
Shari    93
TeKay    92
Wendi    92
Weet    90
Jeremy    90
Kelly S    89
Shmuel    89
Martha    88
Kim    87
Anti Shmuel    76


Blogger S. said...

Ooh! I'm not in last place anymore!

(Granted, I have Crystal and Lee in 4th and 8th, respectively, so this won't be the case for long. But let me savor the moment...)

3:15 PM  
Blogger mo pie said...

I'm savoring my second place standing for a similar reason... this is as good as it's gonna get for me! High five!

At least I still have your pool...

3:17 PM  

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