The American Idol Season Seven Pool!
If you want to make your pool picks, feel free to make them here. Just rank the contestants from 1-12, indicating who you think will win (#1) who you think is cannon fodder (#12) and everyone in between. Deadline is a week from now, before #12 is eliminated. Good luck! Here are the 12 contestants, in random order:
Brooke White
David Hernandez
Michael Johns
Ramiele Malubay
Amanda Overmeyer
Carly Smithson
David Archuleta
David Cook
Jason Castro
Kristy Lee Cook
Syesha Mercado
That's three Davids and two Cooks, in case you're keeping track. Keep those pool picks coming!
Brooke White
David Hernandez
Michael Johns
Ramiele Malubay
Amanda Overmeyer
Carly Smithson
David Archuleta
David Cook
Jason Castro
Kristy Lee Cook
Syesha Mercado
That's three Davids and two Cooks, in case you're keeping track. Keep those pool picks coming!
1. David Cook
2. David Archuleta
3. Carly Smithson
4. Brooke White
5. Syesha Mercado
6. Jason Castro
7. Amanda Overmyer
8. David Hernandez
9. Michael Johns
10. Ramiele Malubay
11. Chikezie Eze
12. Kristy Lee Cook
1. David Cook
2. David Archuleta
3. Brooke White
4. Syesha Mercado
5. Michael John
6. Carly Smithson
7. David Hernadez
8. Jascon Castro
9. Amanda Overmyer
10. Ramiele Malubay
11. Kristy Lee Cook
12. Chikezie
This is hard! I'm going to guess:
1. David Archuleta
2. David Cook
3. Carly Smithson
4. Michael Johns
5. Jason Castro
6. Ramiele Malubay
7. Brooke White
8. Syesha Mercado
9. Amanda Overmyer
10. Kristy Lee Cook
11. Chikezie Eze
12. David Hernandez
Lots of good talent this year. I'm going with:
1. David Archuleta
2. Carly Smithson
3. Michael Johns
4. Brooke White
5. David Cook
6. Ramiele Malubay
7. Jason Castro
8. Syesha Mercado
9. Chikezie
10. Amanda Overmyer
11. David Hernandez
12. Kristy Lee Cook
1. David Archuleta
2. Carly Smithson
3. Michael Johns
4. Brooke White
5. David Cook
6. Jason Castro
7. Chikezie
8. Syesha Mercado
9. Amanda Overmyer
10. Ramiele Malubay
11. David Hernandez
12. Kristy Lee Cook
I'm only half paying attention this year so here goes nothing.
1. Michael Johns
2. David Cook
3. David Archuleta
4. Syesha Mercado
5. Carly Smithson
6. Jason Castro
7. Brook White
8. Ramiele Mulabay
9. Amanda Overmeyer
10. Kristy Lee Cook
11. David Hernandez
12. Chikezie
1 David Cook
2 Ramiele
3 David Archuleta
4 Michael
5 Brooke
6 Jason
7 Carly
8 Syesha
9 Amanda
10 Kristy Lee
11 Chikezie
12 David Hernandez
Oh, hell. I don't know know. I'm still thinking about Michael in a skin suit.
Hmm. Kim kicked all our asses last year and she's picking Ramiele as number two... that's very interesting.
1. Brooke White
2. David Archuleta
3. Jason Castro
4. Syesha Mercado
5. Carly Smithson
6. David Cook
7. Michael Johns
8. David Hernandez
9. Kristy Lee Cook
10. Amanda Overmyer
11. Ramiele Malubay
12. Chikezie
Fair amount of guesswork involved...
Incidentally, my own annual pool starts tonight over on my Idol blog. I haven't posted this year's rules yet as I type this, but they'll be up by the time tonight's show ends, and they'll be essentially the same as last year's rules.
Shmuel, I've been checking in over the past couple of days! I'll definitely be playing this year. And interesting pick for #1--I tentatively have her as my runner up.
Heh, I have watched about two episodes this season. Here you go:
1. David Archuleta
2. Carly Smithson
3. Brook White
4. Michael Johns
5. David Cook
6. Jason Castro
7. Syesha Mercado
8. Ramiele Malubay
9. Amanda Overmyer
10. David Hernandez
11. Chikezie Eze
12. Kristy Lee Cook
After tonight's performances by Chikezie and David Cook - I wish I could revise my order. They totally blew me away. And Carly - Wow! I'm eager to see how the rest of the kids do!
My really long-winded rationale is below.
1. David Archuleta
2. Brooke White
3. David Cook
4. Carly Smithson
5. Jason Castro
6. Amanda Overmeyer
7. Michael Johns
8. Chickeze
9 Ramiele
10. Kristy Lee Cook
11. David Hernandez
12. Syesha
First of all, I think Archuleta takes it this season. I know he's the early favorite and they sometimes burn out, but he's got the vote of the tween segment and I think he's, like, the male version of Hannah Montana. Plus, he can actually sing. So all my other picks stem from this, my most confident pick: Archuleta wins.
As longtime readers will remember, I have a demographic theory. Quite simply, the runner-up is always of a different race or gender, or both. Kelly/Justin, Ruben/Clay, Fantasia/Diana, Carrie/Bo, Taylor/Kat, Jordin/Blake. Every single season for six seasons now. I do think that if this pattern is going to break, this is the season for it. There are at least two white guys other than Archuleta who seem very strong: David Cook and Jason Castro. That said, I think the pattern will hold, and I don't think David Hernandez or Chickeze has a chance. Which leaves me with the question of which girl to put in that spot.
I was going to say Carly, but here's where the "go against your instincts" thing comes into play. I loved Chris Daughtry and he got voted off, and I have a feeling Carly is another Daughtry. Which means I'm going to say Brooke White is in the finale with David. I'm taking a risk here, but... well, there it is. I think she's good, and I think she's got the momentum to go all the way to the finale and then... lose.
So that leaves us with Carly as this year's "shocking boot" ala LaToya and Tamyra and Melinda and Daughtry. That puts her probably in fourth place, with either David Cook or Jason Castro in third. (In previous seasons the shocking boots have finished 4, 5, 4, 4, 3. I'm skipping season four, becuase I don't think there was a shocker. That was a pretty weak season; the only one I liked was Bo, and now that Daughtry is on my radar, I could care less about him.)
Moving on, we have the polarizing person who overstays his or her welcome--the Sanjaya, if you will. This person often leaves in sixth place, although sometimes they hang on longer. This season I think it's Amanda Overmeyer, and I think she's gone in sixth, if not seventh place. I think from there, it just becomes a question of who is cannon fodder and who is going to hang on longer.
This is not what I want... but it is what I think it will be. Though this year I really wouldnt have a clue.
1 David Archuleta
2 Carly Smithson
3 David Cook
4 Michael Johns
5 Ramiele Malubay
6 Jason Castro
7 Brooke White
8 Kristy Lee Cook
9 Chikezie
10 Amanda Overmeyer
11 David Hernandez
12 Syesha Mercado
Long time reader, first time poster. I'm actually not convinced Carly will win but as yet no one else has picked her, so I'm putting it out there.
1. Carly Smithson
2. Brooke White
3. David Cook
4. David Archuleta
5. Michael Johns
6. Chikezie Eze
7. Amanda Overmyer
8. Jason Castro
9. Syesha Mercado
10. David Hernandez
11. Ramiele Mulabay
12. Kristy Lee Cook
Ok, this is totally me guessing here and playing the odds with the scoring system. But if that bastard Hernandez goes to the end or Brooke tanks early, I'm screwed:
1. Brooke White
2. David Archuleta
3. Carly Smithson
4. David Cook
5. Ramiele Malubay
6. Michael Johns
7. Amanda Overmeyer
8. Chikezie
9. Jason Castro
10. Kristy Lee Cook
11. Syesha Mercado
12. David Hernandez
crap ! i want to redo mine! lol
1. Michael Johns
2. Brooke White
3. David Archuleta
4. David Cook
5. Carly Smithson
6. Jason Castro
7. Chikezie
8. Amanda Overmeyer
9. Ramiele Malubay
10. Kristy Lee Cook
11. David Hernandez
12. Syesha Mercado
Posting this for Jake who is new to this whole pool thing and sent me his picks rather than posting them.
12. Syesha Mercado
11. David Hernandez
10. Kristy Lee Cook
9. Chikeasie
8. Ramiele malubay
7. Amanda Overmyer
6. Jason Castro
5. Michael Johns
4. Carly Smithson
3. David Cook
2. David Archuleta
1. Brooke White for American Idol
Kelly S.: Here are my pics.
1. David Archuleta
2. Carly Smithson
3. Dave Cook
4. Jason Castro
5. Brooke White
6. Michael Johns
7. Kristy Lee Cook
8. Chikezie Eze
9. Ramiele Malubay
10.Syesha Mercado
11.Amanda Overmeyer
12.David Stripnendez
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